
Pop Art PL layouts

IMG_1825IMG_1824IMG_1827IMG_1829IMG_1830IMG_1834I got my Studio Calico Pop Art kit in the mail Monday, and I LOVED everything in it.  I wasn’t sure from the sneaks and even the reveal, but once it was here I was surprised at how much I liked it.  I usually go through the PL cards and take out the ones I know I won’t use, but this month I only took out 2.  I’m loving the combination of the light blue and the yellow, classic combo for me with the black and white accents it was easy!  I’m also trying to use more stamps in my layouts because I have soooo many and the new ones in the kits are so good!  I’ve been keeping the PL stamps since Carolina Moon on my desk and ready to use, it’s almost hard to not use them on everything!

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