Week in the Life

Saturday {words & photos}

Saturday, otherwise known as the Vanden Brinks go to a wedding.


In the most adorable fashion possible…

Taking Max’s preferred mode of transportation (the train). 

With this hottie as my date (who it turned out spent very little time with me due to his duties as MC). 


At the nicest (?) abandoned building in downtown Edmonton.  The water was not drinkable, but the company was fantastic.


And the decor was beautiful!


Max and I wandered around Churchill Square while Chris prepared for the reception and his MC duties.  This was so cute, Max turned back to me and said “follow me, mommy!”


Max no-napped it, and was at the brink of a meltdown around supper time, so I got a lot of good snuggles as we waited for food.  But this bride and groom were amazing and had provided childcare (!?!) and activities for kids!  So great!


These two are so different, but such a compliment to each other in their work (both worked for Young Life the last 5-6 years and spent the last 3 years working together here in South Edmonton)  Kyle has such a great heart for kids and we were so happy to be a part of his marriage to Bethany yesterday.


Max took Daddy’s MC duties very seriously, and even did a little singing, the crowd was so chatty I don’t think anyone noticed though!


What a pair of goofballs!

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